With technology roles growing exponentially within companies, it is unrealistic to look to fill all these open positions with graduates with 4-year degrees. These jobs can be performed by non-degree holding workers with the right specialized skills that can be nurtured through alternative education paths. This means the linear, education-to-employment equation must give way to the continuum of lifelong learning. We must move toward employing a mixture of regular employees, gig workers, and software-led intelligence.
While the gig talent pool will flexibly scale human enterprise whenever required, the software-led intelligence will provide the insights and analytics that guide people in their pursuit of problem-finding and the automation to create bandwidth for their creative work. This report incorporates both quantitative and qualitative research to explain and demonstrate the value of such an approach.
The research clearly demonstrates that the private sector must play a larger role in addressing the workforce development needs of today and tomorrow. While the private sector cannot overcome the skills gap without partnership with academic institutions and government, we can and must lead the way. By recruiting talent agnostic of their disciplines and backgrounds—but with the aptitude to learn new skills —and providing them a continuum of lifelong learning, we can nurture workers on the cutting edge of all that’s needed for the future of work.
Ravi Kumar S, President, Infosys