Infosys ranked Podium Winner in HFS Utilities Top 10
Infosys has been ranked #3 in the HFS Top 10 Rankings for Utilities Services, 2022 report. HFS Research rated Infosys a ‘Podium Winner,’ specifically #1 in ‘voice of the customer’ and #2 in innovation categories.

Key highlights:
Infosys integrates services and technology across the value chain:
- Ecosystem: Establishes innovation design centers, partnerships with networks and industry bodies, utilities-specific partnerships with academia of Stanford University and Purdue University; and hires industry-specific talent from global universities
- Energy Transition Center of Excellence: Combines advanced engineering teams with electric vehicles, IoT, and grid teams to become an energy transition orchestrator for technology and services
- Sustainability-first approach: Aligns across capabilities and engages with the UN COP26, WEF, and other networks.
- Partnerships: Aligns deeply with Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP and their accelerators for the utilities industry
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